If all of these members are in a struct, they will be allocated in memory right next to each other. How do we know what the offsets are though? Well think about this for a second. Lets take a look at a very simple structI will provide. To understand how to use offsets and find them we must understand what an offset is so we will look at a simple example. So you might be thinking what is an offset or you might have used an offset to hack a game but not known what it is doing (sad life if so). You should have an understanding of programming (I will be using C++ in the short code examples) or else this will be useless. This tutorial is not designed to target internal or external game hacking specifically but general(and simple) memory concepts. This tutorial is aimed at the very beginner who is just looking to get into hacking but doesn't know the basics of offsets and is having trouble starting off. So I want to make an over kill tutorial to clear any confusions on offsets and a simple way to find them.
Many people have trouble finding offsets in games and understanding what an offset is (talking to beginners here not you leet haxors).